A Book-of-the-Month Club to Cure Your Existential Dread, Or: The Best Books I Read in 2018

At the end of 2017, I realized I was often falling asleep with a terrible sense of anxiety as I worried about the devastating, soon-to-be-felt effects of climate change, the uncertain future of women’s and minorites’ rights in Trump’s America, and why only 20-some people had liked my latest Instagram post even though it’d been up for half a day. It’s a terrible time to be alive.

Reducing screen time seemed like the only reasonable course of action, so I made a goal to read at least one new book a month in 2018. Turns out I’m still a nerd, and I ended up easily burning through at least two books a month. Here’s what’s been sitting on the nightstand (or coffee table, or toilet tank).

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