A Note From the Office Millennial

Kids these days, am I right? Where do they get off changing the sacred English language with their generationally specific terms? After all, we all know that language hasn’t evolved since the beginning of time. That’s why we’ve all been communicating via crudely drawn cave paintings and putting an “e” at the end of “old” up until this exact moment in history.

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Acting My Age at Hoodie Allen

I went to a Hoodie Allen concert on Leap Day. (Fitting, given that one of his earliest album's is titled Leap Year.) Despite all of the somewhat derisive opinions I'm about to express, I have to point out that going to this concert was 100% my idea and I was no way coerced into attending. Because I am a Hoodie Allen fan. The issue is that I apparently in the upper range of his fan demographic. 

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